Dr. Johanna Richter

Dr. Johanna Richter

Founder & Project Leader


Johanna holds a PdD in political science. She co-founded agbe e.V. in 2004. Agbe (meaning „life“ in the local language Ewe) supports and cooperates with NGO’s in Westafrica with the focus on social entrepreneurship. Amongst other projects, her NGO realized the construction of a nursery, a solar lamps project and a micro credit project in Togo. Also, agbe collaborates with NGO’s in Burkina Faso: Her team has successfully built two wells, a training center for teachers, and established two micro-credit projects. Together with local partners in Burkina Faso, agbe is building three classrooms for a public school in Ouagadougou and launching a project with Moringa plants in rural Burkina Faso.

Besides her social engagement for agbe e.V., Johanna works for Stiftung Entrepreneurship. She is responsible for the international entrepreneurship competition and the masterclass for 100 founders. Also, Johanna is involved in the planning and execution of the Entrepreneurship Summit (a famous founders event in Berlin).

Johanna is the winner of “woman of the year 2009/10” for her engagement in development cooperation of “goldene Bild der Frau”. Full of energy, her aim is to make a difference in the world.